November 19, 2010

Modern Slavery

Do I believe there are modern slaves?

Sadly, but yes.

There are many children being forced against their will by being out at work in factories and fields. But because of some of their jobs, such as seamstresses and sewing, we would not have a lot of things, especially clothes. Made in Taiwan, made in China, made in Japan; it seems like that's all you see. Occasionally you'll find, "Made in the USA", which are three words that seem to make some people happy.

Sometimes I feel like that I'm indirectly supporting it when I buy things that say "Made in" a country famous for child labor. But when buying these things, does it make you a bad person?

You decide.
A child laborer in 1910, New Jersey

I Am A Plow. Yeah.

I Am a Plow.

It is sowing season
So must prepare to do my duty
I sharpen my blades when no one is looking
And go on a few practice runs in the night
So I can perforn perfectly when I am used
The time is now
The day is here
I finally get to do my job
After so long a time of drought
The farmers and horses pull me
And I pull new, fresh soil to the surface
And I am followed by children who plant seed behind me
Followed my more children who
Cover up the immature seeds
That I helped plant
I am used for hours at a time
Never getting a break
Until the night falls
When the people put me in my place in a dark, cold shed
Then I continue to sharpen my blades
Until the next sowing season...

November 4, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs...

A direction the class needs...

The following are some points of advice I would give people in my classes (Or any other class, for that matter.)


Obviously, this isn't a problem in this class; most of our class is usually discussions. Since I am generally a shy person, I sometimes have problem with speaking up, unless it's really important. I need to work on my public speaking skills.

(The next one kind of contradicts the previous one, and I feel bad for saying it)



(Again, not a problem in the class) I hate when people talk too loudly or out of turn. I hate loud noises as well. Yes, talking is very good, but there is a Huge difference between talking and rambling on about nothing that's important to me. Go annoy someone else!

Now that that's out of my system, to more important issues...

But Yeah,


(This will sound corny, but I don't know any other way to say it.) The only way you'll be accepted by good people is if you be yourself. Being or acting like someone else only displays false information (Which is a commandment, haha!) about yourself.

SO, all in all, pretty straightforward advice. (except the second)

Until next time!!