September 30, 2010

John Proctor... Hero or Stooge?

In a sense, John Proctor can be viewed as a hero AND A stooge. For example, he can be viewed as a hero for the reason that he kind of swats away the conversation every time Parris brings up the ideas of hell and things associated with it. 

On the other hand, (Ooh, a tension builder)

My attitude towards him totally changes in the scene where Mary comes in looking sickly when Proctor and Elizabeth are talking. Since she went to the courts in Salem, John does not like this because he does not like Mary leaving the house. He pulls out his whip on several occasions. This made me think he was an abusive person. I know it's the 17th century, but jeez.

Furthermore, since again, he goes against the ideas of witchcraft and anything to do with the devil, when Mary comes back from Salem, she brings back a doll she made for Elizabeth. After Cheever enters and starts to investigate, he finds a needle in the back of the doll. This most likely connects with the stabbing of Abigail earlier that night, only then a was needle found in Abigail's stomach. This really agitates Proctor since Mary is a person more close to him.


Is Proctor a hero or a stooge?

To me, probably more stoog-ish. (at the time of this post.)

EDIT!!!! (10/7/10)

After I read the ending, my opinion about him changed completely. He gave up his life to save his wife. (Hey, that rhymed) So John Proctor is DEFINITELY now a hero.

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