September 30, 2010

John Proctor... Hero or Stooge?

In a sense, John Proctor can be viewed as a hero AND A stooge. For example, he can be viewed as a hero for the reason that he kind of swats away the conversation every time Parris brings up the ideas of hell and things associated with it. 

On the other hand, (Ooh, a tension builder)

My attitude towards him totally changes in the scene where Mary comes in looking sickly when Proctor and Elizabeth are talking. Since she went to the courts in Salem, John does not like this because he does not like Mary leaving the house. He pulls out his whip on several occasions. This made me think he was an abusive person. I know it's the 17th century, but jeez.

Furthermore, since again, he goes against the ideas of witchcraft and anything to do with the devil, when Mary comes back from Salem, she brings back a doll she made for Elizabeth. After Cheever enters and starts to investigate, he finds a needle in the back of the doll. This most likely connects with the stabbing of Abigail earlier that night, only then a was needle found in Abigail's stomach. This really agitates Proctor since Mary is a person more close to him.


Is Proctor a hero or a stooge?

To me, probably more stoog-ish. (at the time of this post.)

EDIT!!!! (10/7/10)

After I read the ending, my opinion about him changed completely. He gave up his life to save his wife. (Hey, that rhymed) So John Proctor is DEFINITELY now a hero.

September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of a Furious GOD!

Yay, another blog.

I believe sinners should be dealt with according to the severity of the sin(s). We all commit venial sins everyday, even when we don't notice. If you think about it, some of the world's greatest disasters (tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.) may have been a "punishment" for an action dealt with by God.

As discussed in Noah Suarez-Sikes' blog, he brings up the word theocracy (a form of government based on religion), and that makes me think, "Hmm, in a theocracy, how pretty much everything is based on religion, how would a serious sinner, "Witch", or whatever, be dealt with? How would God make him pay, and how would the other people in his community would think of him?"

September 16, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood...

There Goes the Neighborhood... hmmm, an interesting topic indeed. In this blog, I will be expressing my opinions of the Native Americans as Columbus arrived and of the changes and clashes in my neighborhood. My outlook on it is that the Native Americans may have thought that Columbus was kind of taking over the land, in a way. They thought that he was changing their customs and traditions. Columbus may have seen it as a new opportunity to spread the lifestyles of his native Italians and other peoples from other countries. This poses the questions of, "Were the Natives glad that Columbus had discovered their land?" "Did they benefit from this, or were they caused detriment (harm)?" In my neighborhood there are really no serious clashes between groups, since I live in a mostly African-American neighborhood. What do you think? Do you think the Native Americans actually thought about it, or did they pay no mind? If you have a thought, please comment.

September 9, 2010


Hello! My name is Darius Echols and I am a sophomore here at Whitney Young. I just transferred here from St. Laurence in Burbank.

Let's start with a little bit about myself. I JUST turned 15 on September 8th. (EDIT: At the time of this post, it was September 9th.) I'm usually the youngest in the grade, which sucks. I live with my parents on the south side. I do have two older sisters, but currently they do not live with me. One is a freshman at Illinois State University and the other lives in North Carolina. I wish I had at least one brother...

Both of my sisters graduated from Whitney Young, one last year in 2009, and one WAY back in 1996. For the most part, I transferred here because of the feedback I got from my sisters. They say that there's an excellent environment here and everyone is really nice and intelligent. Through my three days here (At the time of this post), I can already see that. I am glad to be spending my remaining three years of high school here.

In my spare time, I love to play Guitar Hero (I'm really good) and play piano. I like to hang out with friends, go to the movies, go bowling and to read. I am interested in learning Spanish and sign language. Learning different languages can go a long way when it comes to life.

Some of my favorite shows are Ghost Hunters, Family Guy, Hell's Kitchen, Everybody Hates Chris, and The Office. My favorite foods are pizza, seafood (especially crab), chocolate-covered raisins, and ice cream. I LOOOVE music. My favorite genres are alternative, rock, jazz, grunge, and pop rock. Some of my favorite bands are The White Stripes, Coldplay, Nirvana, Queens of the Stone Age, Gorillaz, Kings of Leon, Rush, and TV on the Radio.

Well, that's a little bit about me; I hope you enjoyed it.

I look forward to posting more blogs over the course of the school year.
(Here are some pics of my fave bands)
The White Stripes
 Queens of the Stone Age
 Kings of Leon
 TV on the Radio