October 29, 2010

Nathaniel Hawthorne, HOTSG, Salem Witch Trials Facts

Nathaniel Hawthorne (formerly known as Hathorne) was most notably known for his novels such as The House of the Seven Gables and The Scarlet Letter. His writings were probably most inspired by 17th Century Puritan (mostly) New England. Everyone knows this guy...right? But do you KNOW this guy? Some interesting facts about this "guy" include...
   -he graduated college with future president Franklin Pierce. I found that really interesting. (Wouldn't that be cool, though?)

In 1668, The House of The Seven Gables became under construction in Salem, Massachusetts. It was originally built for Captain John Turner, a rich merchant. Interesting Facts-
   -In 1908-1910, when the House was in the process of becoming a museum, the owner, Caroline O. Emmerton added a small cent-shop resembling Hepzibah Pyncheon.
   -On March 29th, 2007, the HOTSG was recognized as a National Historic Landmark.

   Did John Proctor and Abigail Williams really have an affair as described in Arthur Miller's The Crucible?

   "There is no evidence that supports a love affair between John Proctor and Abigail Williams. John was 60 years old at the time of the trials while Abigail was only 12. Also, they lived over eighty miles apart." (www.salemwitchtrials.com/faqs.html#crucible)

October 26, 2010

The Moment I Knew I was An American

a citizen of the United States of America. (www.dictionary.com)

I believe an American is a person that is born in the United States or in another country and accepts the American culture AND any other culture in the world. The moment when I knew I was an American was when I was when I was young and my parents and teachers taught me about communities and togetherness and the environment, things of that nature. I always love to help out around the house, cleaning something whenever I can. To be a true "American" you must help the communities and people around you. You must care about the feelings of others as well, not just yourself's.

"I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free." (Lee Greenwood)

October 14, 2010

The House of the Seven Gables

Yay, time for today's blog.

Oh, wait- no it's not. Darn.

Well see you next week!

October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them... Us and Them

Definition- Versus- against (pretty obvious)

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

This well-known phrase is perfectly comparable to the blog title, Us vs. Them... Us and Them.

There is always going to be someone that supports your opinions and someone the does not. Like Danforth's quote, "But you must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it; there be no road between.", talking about being for the idea of witchcraft or against it.

"Us VS. Them" by LCD Soundsystem says the title many times in the song. I couldn't find any way to compare the song with the Crucible, but i thought it was cool how the titles matched.

Hmm... I guess that's it. Make sure to read my next blog!